What WAS doesn’t have to continue to be what IS.

gift-wrappedBack in December 1970, just before Christmas, at the tender age of 15, I went for a routine eye examination because I was having trouble seeing the blackboard. Instead of receiving Christmas presents that year, I got the news that I had a serious eye condition. I was rushed to a big city hospital in Toronto, and despite numerous eye surgeries was told that I might be blind within the year.

I was walked through the hallways of the Toronto CNIB ( Canadian National Institute for the Blind ) so that I could see what it actually looked like before I went blind.I was told that I might have to learn how to read and write using braille plus learn all of the other necessary trainings to function as a blind person.

Even throughout the confusion and aloneness and being hospitalized for several months, missing all of the Christmas and New Year’s festivities, it never occurred to me that I would ever actually go blind … I kept thinking that there was something underneath what was really going on. I always thought that something deeper would come forward and THAT would be the real thing that I needed to learn so that I could heal.

I always knew that I had a bigger purpose calling me. Even as a child I saw a different element and potential learning under all of the drama that was going on around me. I comforted myself with an awareness of a deeper knowing, and I later came to understand that I was learning how to cultivate my gifts of inner ’Seeing’ and learn to help others overcome the challenges in their lives.

There is more to the story, but in a nutshell, my diagnosis is in the rear view mirror. My soul wanted the adventure of this specific challenge so that I could get the learnings and use my gifts and talent to see life in a different way. I could not have learned this from a book. I needed to experience this so that I could come full circle, share my gifts with you and teach you how to SEE your IS-ness Factor in a different way.

After experiencing potential blindness, I am able to “see through” client issues to the pattern of origin. The IS-ness or Truth of what is happening in your life right now is leading you to decide whether you will choose to align with it or not. It could be health, divorce, career, money issues, Christmas traumas coming up, basically anything that is challenging you. In my case, I chose to align with the energy of keeping sight of my vision … pun intended 🙂

Where are you turning a BLIND EYE to what IS?

I can help. Let’s connect.