In this week’s video, I talk about the importance of symbolism in your energy field … or at least invite you to welcome that in so that you aren’t continuously at war with your creations.

All your answers are within 3 feet of you!

When the inventory in your Shadow hits critical mass, the symbols and metaphors will be beating you over the head to get your attention. Ouch!

If you heard yourself say, “Why does this keep happening???” … that’s your signal to start to explore your Shadow. Your Shadow is loyal to the end! It doesn’t know any other story than the one it keeps showing you.

That story is not the truth of you and therefore, is undigestible in your personal system.

Please watch this video and ask to be shown the message that is waiting for you to pick up.

Here’s the formula for High Vibe Manifesting ~

Create Congruence with HEAD + HEART + GUT + SOLES OF YOUR FEET (all departments are in agreement)

with Love and Kindness ~ Pass it on….


PS~ I am here if you need a hand- just hit reply… I am at your service. Suffering silently is a choice.