Fast Track To Freedom

Fast Track to Freedom
9 Month Coaching Program
that Will Change Your Life!

Tired of Soul Searching?

Not Even Sure What You Are Searching For?

If you have an unclear yearning, the universe will match this energy and you will be in confusion, disappointment and vagueness. We need to clear the blocks that protect you from yearning with unclear energy. Remember that a scrambled system will emanate static. The universe is constantly matching your call through the energy you send out.

Do you feel like time is running away with your dreams?

~ Feeling Separated?
~ Spiritually Unfulfilled?
~ Overwhelmed?
~ Stressed?
~ Never Enough Time?
~ Tired of the Familiar Suffering?
~ Want More Love & Abundance

If Even ONE of the above issues is true for you, it will affect ALL areas of your life!

Ready to change your life, no matter what???

It might seem like it’s impossible and irreparable, but it’s actually just ONE area that you need to shift, and this one change will create change in all other areas.


  • Having clear boundaries and love for you on the inside first, guilt free!
  • Knowing exactly what you want and how to call it to yourself easily!
  • Feeling like God’s got your back!
  • Knowing and speaking your truth in all areas of your life!
  • Having Time Freedom to enjoying an active, healthy lifestyle … and loving it!
  • Heal the Past!

You Can Have ALL of the Above!

The Fast Track To Freedom Can Change Your Life In A Matter Of Months! 

Click here to read what previous clients say about the group program
and private sessions working with Dana’s results oriented approach to healing.

In Just 6 Months!!! 

Diane was suffering, but through coaching and resources within the Fast Track To Freedom she has shifted her toughest stumbling blocks

When I first signed up for the Fast Track To Freedom group coaching program with Dana Louise Williams, I was suffering with no self-confidence, no boundaries and a handicapped belief about myself and needed help to realize that I already have all that I need inside of me! I just needed tools to uncover those gems in a loving supportive environment that Dana creates!!!

Dana’s weekly group coaching provided me with the safety & security to be totally honest while learning from others in the group and Dana’s private coaching helped me to target and shift my toughest stumbling blocks!

When we worked together, I uncovered many issues I had attempted to clear in the past. And she helped me clear triggers that were still active & stopping my growth.

After seeing the symbolism that Dana teaches through The Soular Healing Method® and her artistic approach to using EFT, I am more insightful and skilled at trusting myself to not only continue healing myself– but to confidently reach out to others with these powerful tools using my compassion & loving energy.

My call to action for me is different today because now I know how to acknowledge my talents & boundaries daily. In the past, I didn’t even know my boundaries were non-existent! Dana helped me realize I had a huge GAP in my life. This is huge in both my personal & professional life.

I am a totally different person now, compared to prior to this program. It was not a magic pill or wave of a wizard’s wand to turn me instantly into Superwoman. This was guided growth that I desired, but did not know how to accomplish. I think of it like an internship in learning to be a master craftsman in life~ My Life! This was exactly what I needed. I listened to my gut feeling that I needed to do this, even though I had no idea where the money would come from.

My private calls with Dana were super powerful & totally private. I opened my heart & soul to shift the major blocks that were super scary and were really holding me back. I am thrilled with the results. And I now realize how powerful I am. 

My belief that I am good enough, is strong enough to move mountains for me & those closest to me. Several very clear examples showed up during this period of time. Very very eye-opening for me!!!  ~Diane Faist; 


Gail held off from seeking help, but is now living in the present moment!

Dana says that many people have tried everything before they finally found her and started their healing process and I am one of those very lucky people. I had been listening to Dana’s webinars and interviews for over a year before I finally scheduled a 20 minute appointment with her. I appeased myself with the thought that listening to her webinars would be enough.

By working with Dana, I have experienced real healing on an emotional level. For several months now, Dana has been working with me and using the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) plus The Soular Healing Method (SHM) during the group calls and my individual sessions with her. A session with Dana flows very naturally because she combines her professional expertise with EFT & SHM and personal qualities of genuine warmth and caring for me as an individual. She listens and then seems to know intuitively how to approach my issues in a way that makes sense and then helps me to move past the places where I am stuck in the old traumas. For me, this is nothing short of a miracle. Dana has guided me through a process of dissolving the pain and replacing it with a tangible healing that gives me a new sense of wholeness. Increasingly, I feel like a real person who is living in the present moment. Thank you Spirit for guiding me to Dana!


Dana’s coaching took me from the familiar suffering of chronic neck pain, body aches, brain fog, poor attention, mental and physical fatigue, and lack of joy.

I have suffered with different versions of this for 15 yrs. This was a stubborn pattern and I recently broke through and finally got a fundamental shift and was able to let go of the idea of myself being helpless, afraid and stuck.

I especially like the tools Dana taught me to find my way back from old patterns. I am now in a healthier place where I can recognize the patterns when they are emerging and keep the remembrance that I can choose a healthier, loving way and that I am worth it!

I am able to see that I was always capable of more and I am able to do all the things I wanted to do. I am now able to celebrate and use my gifts and not waste time mourning the pain and the past. I accept the responsibility to know that I created feeling small and incapacitated out of the old fears.

Dana taught me that my past doesn’t define my future anymore and I am stronger and more awesome than I allowed myself to be. I am worth it and I now understand how our manifestations of illness start in those subtle places where our thoughts drift and where we focus our energy really does matter.

Under all of the buried pain is a TREASURE CHEST of GOLD. I can help you uncover the hidden jewels of wisdom that are waiting to be discovered. 

Change is a Choice!

Are You Ready To Do Whatever It Takes? Starting With the Decision to Say ‘YES’ To Change?

If so, then the hard work is over!

This 9 Month Fast Track Coaching Program Will Help You with the Rest

I will assist you to go to the very fertile garden that contains your belief systems. I will teach you how to weed through the old adopted beliefs that are no longer serving you.

Dance with Me!

Fast Track to Freedom Group Coaching Program is starting November 30th 2015!

I can help you with your dream if you are ready to dance through an adventure of healing your past. That’s right, I said dance! It is like an energetic dance as I teach you how to move through the heavy energies of the old stuff. “This is not who you are, it is what is ready to be healed and released!”

I want to help you get into alignment with your goals so that you can enjoy being a co-creator with the God force energy that creates through you.

I will teach you how to read the old patterns one step at a time. You will learn to take responsibility to see the power in your unconscious and how you rinse and repeat the very pattern that keeps you stuck.

You aren’t being punished … Even though it might appear that way. You are being asked to look at your creations through the old beliefs so that you can let them go and bring in the new programing.

If you are finally ready to get some relief from the unwanted suffering, you already know what you need to do!

You are going to go through a process to de-hypnotize you

Most humans are walking through their lives in a trance state of who they think they are based on the stories that they tell themselves over and over again. This is a form of hypnosis, so what we will do in a matter of months in the Fast Track To Freedom coaching program, is see where you flip the switch and go unconscious to you. 

Here is what my Fast Track to Freedom  coaching program will give you:

  • You will learn how to identify the patterns that are creating your ‘theme’ and what stops you from having a life that you love.
  • You will learn how to be your own “Artist of Change” and mend your fractured heart.
  • You will be more aware of the eclipsed energies of others that are piggybacked on your personal bubble or energy field.
  • You will walk with clarity of your Soul’s Wisdom and finally get what it is that you are here to learn. 
  • You might even find out that you have never had clear boundaries for yourself before this program.

This is the Freedom that I wish for you!

In The Fast Track To Freedom Coaching Program You Get:

  • Dana’s life changing Soular Healing Method® which will teach you how to see symbolically and read your own patterns and thus take your power back to change your life! You will learn the art of change and walk in the harmony of your Soul’s Wisdom. Just by recognizing your ‘theme’ and up leveling your programming for clarity, you will create ease and grace that will influence all areas of your life.
  • 27 PLUS hours of trainings and support in the 9 modules. These training calls are one hour training with extra Q & A time after each call. (can be as much as 90 minutes with extra Q & A time)
  • Workbook pages as each module unfolds to support you with unravelling the entangled energies of the past.
  • 9 private 30 minute coaching sessions with Dana per month to support your growth. You will ultimately create your New Grid Code to operate from and your old operating system will be in your past. 
  • You will have access to recordings and digital downloads of all class modules, group coaching webinars and class materials.
  • As a bonus you receive 5 interviews with my favourite Thought Field Experts; Donna Eden, Raphael Cushnir, Dr Dawson Church, Carol Look, and Dr Sandi Radomski.
  • You will have access to our Private Facebook Group ~ where Dana will be available to answer questions and give ongoing support.


And here is how the Fast Track to Freedom Breaks Down:

Module One 

We open the door slowly to You. This first week is about creating a safe space for the group participants. We will go through Dana’s creative process using energy medicine tools and you will learn how to use your out of balance symptoms to make change. You will explore how to read your own energies and see symbolically on deeper levels of consciousness.


Module Two 

Opening the door a bit wider as we go to a deeper level with getting you into rapport with you. Training on how core fractures that sit below the stories and beliefs creates a vortex of energy that enables the ‘theme’ or pattern that stops your success. You will learn how the vortex halts your ability to be congruent. You will observe where you are entangled with patterns with partners, children, birth family, unresolved karma, soul contracts, religious and cultural beliefs, and resistance to change.


Module Three 

You will learn The Pendulum Tool Technique plus applications on how to go deeper to build a bridge back home to you. We will activate your discernment power by using the pendulum tool to have clear ‘Yes’s and non-negotiable ‘No’s in daily life. Teachings for you to safely support yourself, be present and, how to observe the discomfort of changing your inner compass to the new pattern using your discernment power. How to stay witness when others are uncomfortable with the new ‘You.’


Module Four

Power Point Training on The Soular Healing Method®. Going deeper into the Art of Receiving your new life and walking in alignment with the Soul’s wisdom and clarity. Teaching’s about the rubber band effect of out of balance giving and the ‘not receiving pattern.’ Teaching on understanding Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Energies and how to remove the piggybacked energies blocking receiving. Using tools to activate Divine Feminine as the receiver and the container. This gives Divine Feminine permission to be an attractor to what ever you allow yourself to want. Once this new grid code is in place and you know what it is that you want, then Divine Masculine works it’s magic with ease. The outside world of triggers will calm down. Side effects are; less drama, stress, worry and life gets easier.

Module Five

Allow the new learnings to bring in activators and triggers to test your progress. This is a key component of energy work. As you shift an old pattern, the gods send in the messengers and catalysts to give you an opportunity to have choice and choose the new way to be. The first couple of tests might hurt, but eventually you will sense them coming around the corner and get those clear boundaries anchored. This is where you get to practice not flipping the switch and going unconscious.

Module Six

As we are in the last trimester of the 9 month Fast Track To Freedom Coaching Program, you will review back to your original wish list of what it was that you wanted to release and shift from the ‘old life’ you were in. Dana will address any group concerns from any participants that have bumped into a road block. Road blocks are just parts of you that are still under construction and the flow of ease and grace gets temporarily halted. This isn’t a bad thing, it is just the energies showing us what needs to be addressed on a deeper level.

Module Seven

More training on Conscious Dreaming. To be revealed as we go along with the steps taught in previous modules on high vibrational manifesting.

Module Eight

Introductory training on the Enneagram as a tool to grow into a higher conscious awareness of yourself. You will discover what your profile type is and be given a personal audio file so that you may continue to understand how you were hardwired for survival as a child growing up with the family of origin dynamics. Very powerful teachings that will have a huge effect for you.

Module Nine

Digging in even deeper to activate Divine Feminine and the Art of Receiving. You are gearing up to utilize the information in all previous modules. Balanced clear boundaries with the new you are honed and we will review any areas that need to be revisited for the class to be complete with previous teachings.

Imagine Walking a Spiritual Path directed by You… The Conscious Version of YOU!

Infinite Possibilities Await, As You Grow Your Life With The Wisdom Of Your Soul!


  • You want a quick fix and don’t want to put any effort into getting a return; 
  • You don’t want to take responsibility to change; 
  • You think that I am just one more person that shows you a door to walk through, but it won’t work for you; 
  • You are using drugs or substances to numb yourself; 
  • You want to be right instead of well; 
  • You don’t want a deeper connection with God / Creator / Source.


  • You are ready to let this work for you; 
  • You want more fun and laughter in your life; 
  • You are ready to surrender the beliefs that no longer serve you; 
  • You are clear that you are finally ready to say ‘YES’ to YOU; 
  • You align with getting the learnings and letting go of the ‘story’; 
  • You want freedom and are committed to do what it takes to get it.

I can help you with your dream if you are ready to dance through an adventure of healing your past. That’s right, I said dance! It is like an energetic dance as I teach you how to move through the heavy energies of the old stuff. If you want to finally get some relief from the unwanted suffering you can go here to sign up ……… You already know what you need to do 🙂

Fast Track to Freedom Group Coaching Program starts November both 2015 and sets you up for a successful 2016 and beyond!

Catch the early-bird price $300 deposit then $327/month for 9 months you will save hundreds by saying ‘yes’ now. The price goes up to $427.00 with $400.00 deposit soon.

Fast Track to Freedom Group Coaching Program is starting March 23rd 2015!

You can say YES now!!!

In 5 yrs you might wish that you would have said yes … life just keeps getting more expensive when you carry the burdens of the old ways.

Commit to you and I will teach you the rest 🙂
Love Dana