Imagine a smooth running company that has absolute efficiency and runs like a finely tuned clock.
When all the departments are in sync with the philosophy and values of the corporation, it practically runs itself.

Now imagine ‘YOU’ as the head of your corporation and being in sync with all your desires & dreams … riding in a smooth slipstream of your own ‘V’ formation. The ‘V’ in this case being your desires coming true and your gifts being used and you loving it!

If you know what you want with absolute clarity, then your clear notions get lined up and heard by the Universe.
It’s all about being congruent with your Head, Heart & Gut.


Once you have this alignment with your desires & dreams and have cleared any resistance or old beliefs, you will be able to ride in your own draft or the slipstream of what you successfully call to yourself.

Yah, that’s easy to say, but if you are scattered and not clear with your direction there will be a cacophony of flapping wings and honking geese wanting their leader to give them directions as to where the flock needs to go.

If you recognize that You Are The One You’ve Been Waiting For … but haven’t been able to get clear on any one direction, other than down, you might be getting ready for a crash landing. Ouch!

I believe that life can get easy even after you’ve had a tough go of it. I also believe that all you have to do is change ONE THING!

If you change one belief right now and stick to it, your life can potentially get easier and easier. I’m not talking about positive affirmations here … I think positive affirmations are abusive if they are used incorrectly, so we won’t go there right now.

I am talking about really changing the core belief of your repetitive ’theme.’ If you change one core belief you can potentially re-right your flight path and get back in ‘V’ formation with yourself and your life!

Let me help you shift into the slipstream of your life. You still have 8 days to join the other early birds that are flying in ‘V’ formation to the Fast Track To Freedom 6 month Group Coaching Program. Here’s a reminder of what the program is all about.

I got your back! Please let me know if you want in on this. Go here to schedule a time with me to talk and I can tell you more on our Free 20 min phone call.

I look forward to hearing from you!