Did you know that you are hypnotizing yourself daily … especially if you don’t have the life that you want or the love and joy factor that you want.

We all go into a hypnotic trance with the stories that we tell ourselves … whether we are conscious of it or not, plus we distract ourselves from even knowing that we are doing it. After a while it becomes our identity of who we think we are.

We recreate a version of whatever we didn’t get to heal or resolve in childhood in our adult relationships and creations.

I recall a client who would say really mean things to herself every time she saw her reflection in the mirror. It was really hateful and abusive what she would say to herself, yet she was a wonderful mother to her 2 daughters and a very active community figure. No one would ever guess that she was hurting so bad on the inside. Her self-abuse was a result of being bullied in school where she was targeted and name called day after day. This is a perfect example of how she recreated her name-calling and abuse to herself every day just like those mean kids on the bus and playground.

Take a moment right now and find a belief about yourself that you try to hide from. Maybe you believe that you aren’t smart enough, pretty enough, good enough, deserve to have what you want. We all have a shadow side that drives our fears and self-talk.

When you stand in front of your bathroom mirror, what do you tell yourself about you?

It is vital to know that you are not that “talk-sick” story that you are hypnotizing yourself to believe.

The chaos that surrounds you is actually INSIDE you, AND it IS possible to shift!

I am here to help you.

Click here to book a free 20-minute Discovery Call with me on Zoom to discuss the process of how I can help you shift into believing in your own brilliance so that it will be reflected in your outer world.

I look forward to hearing from you!