Clear Boundaries are necessary to cultivate good health in all areas of life. 

Become aware of your own body and the energy field that surrounds and protects you throughout your day. Go inside and get up close to what you think is a boundary, and see if it is actually a WALL, or maybe, a walled off part of yourself?

 A clear boundary feels way different than a wall; a clear healthy boundary is a ‘no brainer’, it just is truth without arguments. However, a wall is protecting an unhealed part of you. You may hear a cacophony of excuses coming from the noisy unhealed parts that fear change.

Don’t panic if you discover it is a wall posing as a boundary. This is important because a wall is way different than a healthy boundary. I have some trainings coming up that will help with this issue, so stay tuned …

Zoom out and go meta for a moment here …

Look around at all the chaos and incongruent leadership, and it’s getting more unmanageable by the moment!

The lack of values, greedy power plays and political tantrums are revealing a lot about where humanity stands right now.

Each and every single one of us has a job to do, and it starts with us as individuals.

Many world governments don’t see, hear or feel what the people they govern are asking for, or want. 

They use mind numbing conspiracy theories, constant name calling and finger pointing like teenagers with a bad attitude that wish to brake away and revolt to get attention. 

Look at the greedy authority figures in power … they have decided that THEY know what’s best for THEM, (not you ). 

If I was to work in session with any of these upside-down greedy leaders, I would find younger orphaned parts of them that are co-existing in the shadows. Leaders that hide their fearful neediness are fake leading with cowardice and false privilege.

Maybe these leaders (I’m talking about the talk-sick ones here.) didn’t get seen, heard, loved or prioritized … and the need for unrequited privilege is making up the rules from the deficit in childhood???

As children, many of us were taught to not believe our own feelings. Dismiss them immediately and tell yourself that you’re fine, nothin to see here, don’t look through the smoke and mirrors, just take the bait and suffer under the boots of their insults of justice and fake freedom.

It’s time to bust through the B.S. (Belief Systems) within ourselves in order to change any of the walls that are being slapped up around our freedom to choose. 

This upcoming Free Class that I am offering to you will shed light on those inner walls. We are still working on the dates, because there will be 3 dates in total for you to choose which date is best for your schedule 🙂

I am on a mission to assist in helping you with your own inner leadership and heal as many of those inner child parts as I can!

Stay tuned to you and don’t believe everything you think.