I want to discuss this very important subject: BOUNDARIES.

Many of us were taught to NOT have clear boundaries for ourselves. It was often a threat to the patriarchal ways of the tribe. There are many ways that the family hierarchy can show up in a patriarchal way. 

If you were raised by a single parent (male or female), the parent may have assumed the parenting ways of previous generations that avoided confrontation and made fear-based decisions of avoidance. Some might assume a role as an over-giver so as to avoid the harsh restrictions of previous strict parenting.

To some, it might be a new concept to put yourself first and have a sense of Sovereignty with Self.

If your outer world creations are pushing back at your desires in a way that you are not being seen, heard or respected, then you will need to get clear boundaries on the inside first and then you can notice that your outer world ‘push back reflections’ will start to soften up.

The outer world is constantly teaching us what we need to witness within ourselves.

There is an art to this!

Here’s what you need to know ~

You are the method and the medicine you seek. 

You are the One you’ve been waiting for.

If the messengers in your outer world are reinforcing the limiting beliefs of the small self … then this is where you take a pause … don’t react with a pointed stiletto heal jab to the messenger that triggered you.

If you decide to stab the messenger because you went from 0 to 10, you will just end up apologizing and creating more patterns of avoidance …

Spontaneously reacting at the instant of the injustice is Not you displaying clear boundaries, if that is your patterned ‘go to’ move.

If your parents couldn’t teach you clear boundaries with love, then you must know that it is You who must be your own teacher.

Your friends, partner, children, boss, co-workers can’t teach you this. Remember, they are the catalysts and ambassadors who are following energetic patterns in your field. Maybe you have taught them this way to partner with you for years. Then one day, you wake up, and say to yourself, “this trigger is Mine!’ I am the one who has this limiting belief and it is inside me!

Let’s put our ancestors and parental teachers on the back burner for now (with all burners turned off for safety) while we explore your protective walls that you might have convinced yourself are clear boundaries.

The Universe will Step In and exaggerate the writing on your inner walls in CAPITAL LETTERS! 

This is the classroom handing you your next soul lessons.

If you’ve been operating from the small self in the shadows … you may prefer to be right as opposed to well.

Your Soul doesn’t care how long it takes for you to do your inner work and create your outer world from the TRUTH of who you already are.

If you read this all the way through and it feels like I wrote this directly to you, maybe you want to reach out and email me. You see, I had to learn my clear boundaries the hard way too, so I get it! My parents did the best they could with the resources that they had. They did their best.

It was all part of my Soul’s Mission to learn clear boundaries as an adult.

I am here if you want a hand to learn this. 

See you in your inbox next week!

It feels so good to be fired up and present in my community!

With Love ~ Dana