When I gaze upon this photo composed of three timelines, I remind myself to feel compassion with all of the adventures that come with being human.


Every single challenge is our own personal school room and we are the teacher directing how we choose to receive the potential learnings.

Whatever age you are or where you are on your journey of consciousness, it is very important to take pause and assess. What do the next 5 to 10 years look like for you? Also keep in mind that 5 minutes from now also is your future.

Being conscious and remembering that what you do and say today will have a direct effect on your future. There is a feeling of grace and elegance in this 3-part photo. It feels like it represents a life of flow and acceptance.

We all start out as babies and if we are fortunate to grow into our senior years consciously we might get to a ripe age and have no regrets.

Regrets come when we make poor decisions, and refuse to get the learnings from our mistakes.

What if we take on the attitude that there are no mistakes, only opportunities to learn about ourselves and expand with the knowing that we have discernment and truth as the foundation of this human costume that we walk with?

Whatever choices that you make today … please be kind and compassionate with yourself, and I will do the same.