Release, Release and Release some more!

Sometimes we are packing our cells with emotions that needed to be expelled decades ago. 

Here is an anecdotal story to help you to see the importance of Emotional Intelligence and how to activate it for yourself:

Let’s call our leading character “Mary”. She is now 45 years old and is starting her healing journey and Sacred Inner Work. She assesses the different recurring patterns that keep pushing back on her creations. 

When she was growing up, her home environment was volatile because of family health and money stressors. I am sure that a lot of us can relate to Mary’s situation and her imprinting.  

Mary watched how her parents dealt with their own struggles and stressors. She saw that instead of eating better and having a healthy diet along with exercise and good sleep, her parents argued and worried actively, and this was how they went into action. This subliminal idea of worry and blame was their ‘CTA’: Call To Action. 

The perfect petri dish was served up every night at Mary’s family dinner table. The stress was predictable and spilled over into Mary’s scarcity mindset that had its foundation built on chaos, stress and lack.

Mary also experienced being bullied at school as well as the hardship of hopelessness in the home. Mary was in position to fulfill one of her personal Soul Missions in this lifetime. Yay! 

When she reviewed her life so far, Mary was taken back to her school days and she was able to hover over those days gone by … and this is where her Emotional Intelligence department kicked in. She saw that her schoolmates differed from her in many ways. They had confidence and swagger and could shine in sports. 

Mary was painfully aware of her lack of self esteem, and she somehow knew that she needed to “be the change” if she wanted to be treated with kindness and abundant love. 

Often life gets so tricky that we are forced to stand still and review our life.

That is exactly what Mary did.

She sat down and made a list of all her limiting beliefs and rated the intensity from 0 to 10. ( 10 being the highest )

She was familiar with Emotional Freedom Techniques and Tapping, so she started at the top of the page and worked her way down the painful list.

She was surprised at how empowered she felt at speaking her truth to herself.

Her most powerful medicine was her acknowledging the painful truth.

She had heard the myth before many many times … “the truth will set you free.”

Once she got going with learning the art of releasing all of the build up of old beliefs, she felt instant relief!

So this is what everyone is on about? EFT really works!

She laughed with herself when she discovered that she even had a limiting belief about her own limiting beliefs! She found out that she believed if she said these ‘truths’ out-laud, it would shame her and feel worse just to admit it.

But it actually felt so good to let all of that out. It was like she was in a Catholic confessional telling her deep dark secrets to a Priest. In this case she was the absolver and the compassionate witness to her own self!

Her Truth was setting her Free!

Often clients get stuck at what to say when making the statements to tap on;

a) Go deep into your heart and gut and speak about how you felt when the wounding happened?

b) How intense are the feelings? Wake them up and really bring the pain forward.

c) What did you make that mean about you?

Continue to tap with your fingertips on your acupoints as you release those buried emotions and old beliefs.

Your outer world will start to shift and match your sweet inner truth and essence.

Your Emotions have Intelligence. Practice compassionate witnessing from a neutral position and sparkle your self up!