Wherever you are in the world as you read this, there are Angels and Spirit Guides right here right now. Yes, that’s a fact, whether you see/feel/hear them or not. They ARE here.

They hover and watch and celebrate our bravery every day. I feel them right now as I write this to you.

In fact, I was almost finished writing a blog for you today, on a completely different subject. I got blocked and took a pause …

Something is here …
Oh, it’s my Celestial Team …
Ok, I am being guided to shift gears and
write about our Angels and Guides 🙂 “

When I connect in with my Guides and Angels, I sense them like opalescent colours, pulsing with love, wisdom and intelligence for this Human journey.

Maybe we are in a wild experiment. Will Love be part of the antidote for healing the whole, or will we choose hatred, separation and entitlement as the major ingredient?

The Lords of The Universe are watching us … will we destroy ourselves, or save ourselves and evolve out of this superficial greed and return to love for the whole of Humanity.

I believe we need some Heavenly Help.

Let’s start by appointing our Angels and Guides.

Get centred and ground yourself into the Now moment.
Use your imagination and primary sensory perception, be it visual, tactile, auditory, etc., to create your High Vibrational Council.

Make your experience as real as you can. You are actually installing a new support platform that you will easily access when you need assistance.

You can use Archetypes, Angels, Buddha, Jesus, Mother Mary, Loved Ones in Spirit, dearly Loved Ancestors, and even Pets that have passed.

You get to choose.

I recommend starting with appointing a colour for each member of your Celestial High Vibe Team.

Even though it is very powerful to have the same cast of characters on your team for familiarity, please allow for any additional ‘specialists’ who may show up to help you with a specific issue.

It’s also a nice idea to greet your Council in the morning before you start your day, as well as at the end of your day.

Think of ‘Them’ like new best friends who are here to help you remember your forgotten gifts. They are excited and honoured to help you.

I will be teaching more on this topic this autumn when I will offer 16 years’ worth of my Spiritual Downloads and drawings in my online training called The Sacred Fix ~ Introducing The Soular Healing Method®. Please stay tuned for more info on this training.