There is Gold to be mined in places where you might least expect it. You just need to know how to read the room … in this case, the room is YOU.

What if each one of the characters on the righthand side of this tug of war image represents a resistant part of you?


When I automatically go into a stance of resistance or judgement without thinking (like the person on the lefthand side of this image), I have bumped into and activated a hidden pattern of insecurity.

I will say that again … patterned resistance is about insecurity and safety. There is always a buried story in there.

After decades of patterned resistance, an identity will be created. It might seem like you are discerning the truth … however, under deeper investigation, you will find a wound or undigested story that didn’t get to go full circle to completion.

Remember that all of your secret documents and hidden files are right here … within you!

You are the method and the medicine that you seek.

Call a meeting with yourself and put your imaginary infrared goggles on.

Be curious and ask your inner wise self to show you the creation story for this particular resistance or stubborn push back? It’s not as hard as you might think … the key word here being ‘think’.

An example of self discovery:
Susan had been suffering silently with feelings of irritation towards a colleague at work. She could hardly stand to go into the office everyday. It had been going on for a long time and she finally decided to go deeper within to get some answers. She activated all of her senses and feelings around this co-worker and herself. She dropped into enquiry mode, asking her deeper self to show her the Creation Story of this resistant, judgemental part.

Susan was transported to her teen years (as if like in a dream) and found herself sitting in the kitchen with her brother looming over her homework. He was showing her a better way to lay out the framework of her project that was coming due.

Suddenly, at the same time … she found herself on the soccer field and her brother was helping her with some soccer drills.

Immediately, Susan felt a knee jerk reaction to dismiss these “stupid stories” since at first glance they had absolutely nothing to do with what was going on at the office.

Pay attention to how quickly she wanted to dismiss and violate her own intuition. Her intuition was bang on, but the identity pattern wasn’t having it!

The wound or fear that lives under the pattern only knows itself through the incomplete story and whatever she made that mean about herself at the time of the incident.

When Susan decided to trust her initial intuitive hit, digging deeper into her subconscious and overriding her push to dismiss those ‘stupid stories’, her subconscious was waiting with the hidden Gold:

Her colleague reminded her of her brother who often criticized and judged her personal best.
What she had not put together was that her brother was also acting as a loving parental figure to keep her aligned with her school and sports goals.

Susan felt like someone had just turned on the lights behind her eyes. She felt a wave of compassion for everyone involved in her new awareness and discovery.

With this new perspective she did some rounds of EFT tapping on this ’low hanging fruit‘ issue and quickly cleared it.

As always, when you heal a chronic hidden pattern, you get Graduation Gifts from getting into the flow of your life in truth:

Her love for her brother softened and blossomed with a new appreciation.
Her co-worker saw how hard she was working for the company and nominated her for employee of the month!

Go figure …

Do you have some low hanging fruit that’s sitting right here for you to discover?

It’s all sitting inside of us just waiting to be discovered.

I love this example of self healing.

If you are sitting in a tangle of tug of wars, don’t suffer silently. Reach out and get a hand.

You are so loved.

With love ~ Dana