I am a writer in a book that is about to come out! My chapter is featured as a collaboration with 20+ healer/authors and it’s in print as we speak!

To be specific I took part in a collaboration with 20+ authors, and the book will be released later this month!

You can even be a part of the advanced readers team and read it before everyone else that waits for it to be on the shelves. You’ve got until October 27th to write your review. I can get you a free pdf copy today!

In the meantime, introducing, The Ancestors Within Volume 2, Discover & Connect with Your Ancient Origins by Amy Gillespie Dougherty.

For now though, I’d love to share this interview that I did with Amy.

This is a must watch/listen to candid conversation with Amy and she takes us deep into her story.

She shares her pain of growing up as an adopted child in a family that she just can’t feel like she belongs.

Amy walks us through her early days and she shares how a tragedy that befell her adopted family has brought her healing journey full circle.

Amy’s self-healing journey is an examination of how a person can heal from years of self loathing and turn that into self love and acceptance … and then pay it forward to the world of misunderstood teens and suicidal young adults.

What a Woman!

I would say that Amy is a perfect example of what it looks like when someone has … drumroll

The Global Mother Archetype.

We all need leaders with passionate participation in so many areas of our global communities; schools, hospitals snd out-reach programs.

Instead of silencing this inquisitive lonely inner child part, she became an explorer and facilitator for young suicidal orphans and young adults in recovery.

She bravely took her truth to Mozambique, of all places! The calling was so loud that she stayed with this new family for 6 years.

The Ancestral Synchronicities are bang on. I was feeling goosebumps when she shared about meeting her birth Mother at 18 yrs of age and birth Father at 54.

Ok, no more spoilers, just take 33 minutes and settle in for some great reveals 🙂

Watch it here!