Life and The Akasha 

The Akashic Records is a sacred library that holds all your history as a being. When we weren’t in human form, we were in Spirit with all the relations that have ever danced with us in any and all forms. We are infinity as difficult as this is to grasp.

While we are here we have specific adventures that we are called to have. Some of them involve ‘themes’ that haven’t played themselves out yet. 

If we blame and hold grudges for the relations and ancestors that imprinted their beliefs on us, it is our responsibility to release what isn’t ours. If we can see the imprint as an opportunity to heal old beliefs about ourselves then it has served it’s purpose on some etheric level.

Who do you need to forgive? Whatever the wounding is, it is holding you back from your truth. 

To serve the wound and have loyalty to the belief that you made about yourself is to abandon the opportunity for expansion in this chapter of your adventure. Your Soul doesn’t care how long it takes to play out the old beliefs. 

You are not your history. If you see yourself through your history without letting go and resolving it … your future will be a continuation of the theme of those unhealed aspects.

I send my highest wish for you today and that is a deep wish for forgiveness for yourself for holding onto what no longer serves you at this time. The practice of letting go is one that I continue to practice. 

Just imagine incorporating the practice of letting go everyday. Each day is new. Let’s practice this together as we live and move and have our human experience.

Look at the faces that you see everyday and imagine them without any imprint of wounding. You are just as clean and perfect as a beautiful flower, or a bird singing in the dawn.

I leave you with these thoughts with a hope that you may allow forgiveness into your day today.