How many decisions do you make in any given day? I am assuming that you are probably making mini decisions every 5 minutes, or maybe even every 30 seconds.

Check in with your sweet self and recognize that many of your daily decisions are logical and automatic. Many are just no brainers and you don’t really need to think them through.

For example, if you have a daily routine that you use to start the day smoothly, it is comforting to feel the familiar steps that prepare you to receive each new day. Maybe you brew a cup of your favourite morning beverage and write out your to do list because this makes it tangible to see it written down. These steps make you feel good inside. Notice that you are even making decisions about your decisions. You are weighing the facts and presenting the ideas to all departments. Your filters are assessing what is right for today’s list. In this example, notice how mindfulness with all departments – head, heart, gut – are all privy to mapping out your day with happiness and success.

We humans love to feel safe and in control. It feels so right to be present and clear and calm.

At this point a ‘Gut Check’ might seem dangerous since your gut is probably screaming red alert, abort, abort!!!

We all have experienced this at some point, right?

It’s our body’s job to be emphatic when we have been unconscious to our inner landscape for so long. Our body will keep raising the volume when we don’t pick up our own cries for help.

The idea is to be mindful without going up into the penthouse ( the analyzer ) to make decisions from your head. Being ‘mindful’ means to use your whole body systems to gut check all your decisions.

You knew intuitively that there would be consequences when you missed your morning mindfulness foundation to start your day smoothly.

For those of you that do not have a morning foundation to ground, centre and become congruent, here are some guidelines;

At night when you turn out the light and tuck yourself in, make peace with your day. Bless your day and your sweet self for being your best self as you head into dreamtime.

If you bumped into an abrasive thought or judgement that needs to exit, please do some EFT Tapping – whisper out loud so you hear yourself speak the truth about what you feel, tapping with your fingertips on your acupoints to de-escalate the upset.

It is simple and beneficial to release low vibe thoughts every day!

I am reminded by a fond memory as a 12 yr old when my Grandmother would come and visit us from Nova Scotia in the winter season. We shared an antique sleigh bed together and every night Nanny would tell stories before we went off to sleep.

But before stories, she would get down on her knees on the floor beside the bed and put her hands together. I believe that this was a similar accounting of her day. Maybe she was praying for specific reasons, but I truly believe it was about accountability with Self and God ( whomever you perceive God to be ). My Grandmother and I didn’t have a morning practice together with prayers or sharing our dreams, but she definitely was true to herself.

The moment that you open your eyes in the morning, breathe yourself all the way back home to be fully present and welcome yourself back home to your sweet body.

Did you go off and meet up with any friends or Guides when you were astral traveling in the ethers?

The Sub-Conscious will show us symbolic metaphors to help us work through tangled energies. It is a good practice to observe the symbolism and messages from each sleep. I don’t recommend using published or internet dream interpretations since your symbols are unique to you.

Even though this blog post is a foundational no brainer, we sometimes fall away from good solid grounding practices. It’s ok to come back and start fresh today, tonight and tomorrow morn 🙂

with Love and Kindness
