The stork didn’t deliver you to your parents wrapped in the appropriate coloured baby blanket. That’s a cute fairy tale … there was much more going on behind the scenes.

Your Soul and your personal team of Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels had a very important pre-earth school consultation with you.

I like to think of these recurring visits to earth school as a Netflix movie series where you are the hero or heroine in each incarnation.

In this analogy your series never gets cancelled … it is eternal and infinite.

While consulting with your celestial helpers in the spirit realm beyond the veil, you had very specific targeted needs with different personalities and conditions that needed to be met before you could proceed to the lower levels and densities of the Human Journey on Earth.

You are the script holder and you interact with all of the characters in your own movie.

I have said this before … You are the Medicine and the Method that You Seek.

That’s correct! The ‘map’ is right here!

You mapped out your goals for specific learnings way before your parents laid their eyes on you for the very first time.

We are living during a time of historical, life-altering medical break-throughs with energy medicine.

I think of E.F.T. (aka Tapping) like a turbo ‘power tool’ that can bust through limiting beliefs and clear phobias in minutes.

If you can learn how to read your personal soul map, then you can start to un-personalize the challenges.

Whether we are benevolent Way Showers, or Negative Catalysts … it is the perfect storm in many ways.

Whatever Sacred Challenges we are dealing with, they are all part of the adventure. We are Not here to be punished. We are here to learn, love and experience growth and joy.

It’s not about winning or being rich. It’s about connecting conscious mind to subconscious mind and to experience oneness with ourselves and the Creator.

If you are wanting change and you are tired of the old script that you have memorized, then you are in the right place!

You can change the script just by taking a pause …

Rise above the situation and see with a transpersonal birds-eye view. Ask yourself what edits you want to make in your script. You can edit your own behaviour at any given time.

Another powerful way to use your editing scissors is to know what your recurring theme is and wait for it to sneak up on you. For example: Mary has started a meditation practice and she is becoming keenly aware of a cacophony of stories from her past.

At first she thought that this was a self-sabotage pattern blocking her from having her spiritual practice.

She took a pause …

Instead of becoming victimized by the interruptions, she rose above the stories and saw her map of desired learnings for this chapter of her life.

She became neutral and curious as the learnings unfolded. Mary’s recurring limiting belief was that she was not good enough. She unconsciously gathered evidence daily to make her case stick. As she hovered over the themed stories, she realized that her spiritual practice was showing her what needed to be edited from her programming department.

Mary decided then and there to pull out her etheric editing scissors and she did some EFT tapping on her acupoints while speaking the truth of what she was feeling.

As she was having this personal meeting with this limiting belief about being good enough, she was grateful that the stories were leading her straight to the disconnect with her self esteem. She discovered that it was just an innocent trauma that turned into a scary looming prediction. After she got completion with all of the stories, the etheric editing scissors weren’t even necessary. The medicine was her speaking the truth and this melted the power of the code of belief. These stories no longer had oomph.

If you are aware that the time is right for you to heal your own Sacred Wounds, please reach out and we can meet face to face on a video call. We can discuss your needs and see if we are a fit to work together and get those ‘sacred wounds’ tidied up for good!

I look forward to meeting you 🙂 Free 20 minute Discovery Call What have you got to lose? I’d like to help you find out!

with Love and Gratitude For You and the Mission that You Chose!

See you in your inbox next week 🙂